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15 Ways to Savor Summer Before the Season Ends

How many summers will the average person experience? Eighty? Ninety? Not to be a downer, but if you’re like me, more than half of them may already be behind you. And every year, summer seems to come and go more quickly. About the time you’ve managed to get your summer wardrobe in order (Where are my white pants??!! The ones that fit??!!), it’s all over. Goodbye, Aperol Spritz; hello, pumpkin spiced latte. Summer. Is. Fleeting.

Before the heady scent of nectarines and roses are a distant memory, before we’re back to wool socks, unshaved legs, and squash casserole, check a few of these “wouldn’t-be-summer-without” experiences off your summer bucket list.

Go to an outdoor concert

Because there’s nothing like great music under the stars to make you feel awake, alive, and so grateful to be crushed in next thousands of art-loving sojourners like yourself that you almost forget how awful the traffic will be when it’s over.

Sunset walk barefoot on a beach

This one seems obvious, but when was the last time you did it? Sand between your toes, the amber light filling your face and making you look absolutely stunning, the foamy fingers of the tide nibbling at your toes. If you don’t have a beach nearby, how about just strolling out through a freshly mown field at dusk as the fireflies fill the sky with their symphony of light?

Make a summer tart

With so much gorgeous fruit in the markets, it would be a crime not to make at least one juicy, oozy, sticky summer tart. Doesn’t have to be sweet. Tomato is technically a fruit, and it makes a tantalizing tart.

Sit by a campfire

You don’t even have to go camping to do it. An outdoor fire pit on a restaurant patio will do if it’s all you’ve got, though a real fire with sparks dancing and crackling is far more romantic. It’s all about basking in the glow.

Play outside

Remember what fun it was to be outside till dusk, playing with friends? Reclaim your backyard. Croquet, frisbee, cornhole, badminton, lawn darts, volleyball, kick the can. Whatever it is, just get outside and get in the game.


Reel in the Detail

The world sounds different in the summertime. It smells different. It certainly looks different. Slow down long enough to absorb the shift. Wake early to feel the cool air and soak in the slow, quiet rise of the day’s ambient sound. Spend time in a garden and soak in the fragrance of summer blooms. Listen to the sounds of summer’s song, the hum of the bees, the persistent optimism of the crickets, the soft rustlings of the rabbits eating your fallen fruit. Soon enough, the sighing breeze will give way to the howling wind.



Not laps. Underwater summersaults. Cannonballs. The mermaid glide through sun-dappled water. The underwater tea party. Find a slide and ride it into the cool blue. Wear a swimsuit that is for actually swimming, not sunning. Immerse yourself in the weightless freedom.


Shop the farmer’s market

This gorgeous bounty of color and taste will only be around a few more weeks before you’ll be trying to remember how to cook a butternut squash. Load up on as much as possible. If you’ve never made gazpacho, now is the time.


Do some day-tripping

Longer days mean longer forays. This is the time to go a little farther afield. Go see that winery, museum, lighthouse, fishing village, secluded beach, historic estate, fill-in-the-blank, that has always intrigued, but somehow eluded you.

Dine Alfresco

Whether picnic or patio, take every chance you can get to enjoy your meals outdoors. Everything just tastes better that way.


Fill your house with flowers

While everything’s blooming, splurge on fresh flowers. Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, entry, laundry—there’s no room that won’t be infinitely more appealing with a fresh, fragrant bouquet. Doesn’t have to be fancy. There’s nothing more lovely than a simple mason jar overflowing with wildflowers.


Go paddling

Ocean, lake, river, creek. Whatever you’ve got. Spend a day on the water. Or just an hour, if that’s all you can manage. Push away from the shore and leave everything behind as you glide along the still glistening surface. Focus on the water dripping from your oar, the expanse of the sky, the buoyant serenity.


See some art (or make some!)

The time is always right for art. But the heady days of summer cry out for creativity. They are in themselves works of art. See what’s on at your local museum, or plan a trip around an exhibit in a great city you’ve been dying to visit. Create something. Even your breakfast can be art. Make everything beautiful.


Look at the stars

Really look. Lay on a blanket, open your eyes, look up to the skies and see… If you are now singing “Bohemian Rhapsody,” bonus points to you. Your summer is already improved.


Leave work early

When I was a kid, my dad would sometimes come home early on Friday evenings in the summertime. We’d take a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and head to the beach to sit on a blanket, have our dinner, and watch the end of the day arrive. These evenings remain some of the best memories of my childhood summers. Work will be there. Summer ends soon. Knock off early. Go do something fun with people you love.


This is by no means an exhaustive list. What’s your favorite way to savor the fulsome, fragrant days of summer? Tell us in the comments.